What's on the mother board

1. FPGA CPLD core board connector: for easily connecting core boards which integrate an FPGA CPLD chip onboard
2. 8I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
3. 8I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
4. 8I/Os_3 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
5. 8I/Os_4 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
6. 16I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
7. 16I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
8. 32I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
9. 32I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
All the I/O interfaces above:
capable of being simulated as USART, I2C, SPI, PS/2, etc.
capable of driving devices such as FRAM, FLASH, USB, Ethernet, etc.
1. FPGA expansion connectors
- FPGA pins are accessible on expansion connectors
- for connecting SDRAM accessory board
2. LCD interface, for connecting LCD22, LCD12864, LCD1602
3 ONE-WIRE interface: easily connects to ONE-WIRE devices (TO-92 package), such as temperature sensor (DS18B20), electronic registration number (DS2401), etc.
4. Buzzer
5. Joystick: five positions
6. Potentiometer: for LCD22 backlight adjustment, or LCD12864, LCD1602 contrast adjustment
7. Buzzer jumper
8. Joystick jumper
9. ONE-WIRE jumper
For jumpers 16-18:
- short the jumper to connect to I/Os used in example code
- open the jumper to connect to other custom pins via jumper wires
The DVK601 supports a wide range of different core boards, therefore,
some of the interfaces may be Not-Connected and useless while connecting to certain core board. For instance, while connecting to Core3S250E, the ' 8I/Os_3' and ' 8I/Os_4' are Not-Connected.
What's on the Core3S250E
1. XC3S250E: the XILINX Spartan-3E FPGA device which features:
- Operating Frequency: 50MHz
- Operating Voltage: 1.15V~3.3V
- Package: QFP144
- I/Os: 80
- LEs: 250K
- RAM: 216kb
- DCMs: 4
- Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG
2. AMS1117-3.3, 3.3V voltage regulator
3. AMS1117-2.5, 2.5V voltage regulator
4. AMS1117-1.2, 1.2V voltage regulator
5. XCF02S, onboard serial FLASH memory, for storing code
6. Power indicator
7. LEDs
8. FPGA initialization indicator
9. Reset button
10. nCONFIG button: for re-configuring the FPGA chip, the equivalent of power reseting
11. Power switch
12. 50M active crystal oscillator
13. 5V DC jack
14. JTAG interface: for debugging/programming
15. FPGA pins expander, VCC, GND and all the I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion
16. LED jumpers